Golaghat Jatiya Mahavidyalaya is situated in Golaghat Jyotinagar, Golaghat. It is a multi faculty Junior college...
Vice-Principal, Department of Mathematics
"We are searching for happiness through culturing our body, thoughts,words and behaviours. Passed HSLC in 1993, Passed HS in 1995, Passed B.Sc. in 1998, Passed M.Sc. in 2000, Awarded P.h.D. in 2013, Serving as a Lecturer in DKD College, Dergaon, Assam, Serving as a Lecturer in JB College,Jorhat, Assam, Serving as a Lecturer in Oil Vally Sr. Secondary School, Digboi, Assam, Serving as a Lecturer in Maryam Ajmal Women's College of Sc.and Technology,Hojai, Assam"
1. Bi-cooperative games with fuzzy bi-coalitions, Surajit Borkotokey, Pranjal Sarmah, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS,Vol.198,2012,46-58
2. On Risk Involved Fuzzy Cooperative Games,S.Borkotokey,P.Sarmah,Journal of the Assam Academy of Mathematics (JAAM),Vol.3,2010,97-111
3. The Benzhaf Power Index for fuzzy bi-cooperative games with fuzzy bi-coalitions, Pranjal Sarmah,N.R.Das, P.Das, Journal of the Assam Academy of Mathematics (JAAM),Vol.4,2011,9-24.
4. Bi-cooperative games with fuzzy bi-coalitions and fuzzy characteristic functions,P.Sarmah,N.R.Das,P.Das, Mathematical Forum, Dibrugarh University
1. National Conference on frontiers in Mathematics-2011, September 29th- 30th , 2011 Organized by Department of Mathematics, Gauhati University, Guwahati (Under UGC-SAP)
2. North East Regional conference of Mathematics-II(NERCOM), 2011 Organized by the Assam Academy of Mathematics on 16th July,2016 (Paper presentation)
3. International Seminar on " Role of Teachers in Mentoring Future Indian Leaders" organized by Ajmal Foundation,Hojai, Assam , In collaboration with Global Rainbow Foundation(GRF)(2015)
4. National Seminar on "Values of National Integration and Communal Harmony" organized by Ajmal Foundation,Hojai,Assam(2016)
FUZZY LOGIC AND ITS APPLICATION. organized by Lakhimpur Girls' College, North Lakhimpur In collaboration with Assam Accademy of Mathematics (2010)
APPLICATION ON MATLAB AND MATHEMATICA From 27th April to 3rd May,2016 organized by Department of Mathematics, Bahona College,Jorhat,Assam in collaboration with MIPS,Jorhat (2016)
3. "40 Day Personality Development Workshop"
with focus on Communication&Public Speaking Skills for College students, Teachers from 2nd January,2017 to 15th February,2017 at Maryam Ajmal Memorial College of Education,Hojai,Assam, organized by Ajmal Foundation, Assam and English House,Hyderabad.
4. One-day Workshop on
May15,2017 organized by
IPR CELL, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam
5. Refresher Course in the subject Mathematics organized by
Assam Higher Secondary Education Council,Bamunimaidam, Guwahati in collaboration with. Kaziranga University, Jorhat, from 2nd Aug to 4th Aug,2019
6. 2015: TEACHERS ORIENTATION PROGRAMME held at Maryam Ajmal Women's College of Science & Technology, Hojai organized by Ajmal Group of Colleges from 1st to 3rd February,2015
7. 2016: TEACHERS TRAINING PROGRAMME on Developing Humane Teacher Professionals organized by All India confederation with Ajmal Foundation, Hojai, Assam at Maryam Ajmal Women's College of Science & Technology, Hojai, Assam from 30th April to 1st May,2016
8. 2016: TEACHERS ORIENTATION PROGRAMME organized by Indian Association of Life Skills Education, Chennai,Tamil Nadu and Ajmal Foundation, Hojai, Assam at Maryam Ajmal Women's College of Science & Technology, Hojai from 14th May to 16th May,2016
© Golaghat Jatiya Mahavidyalay